
Saturday, September 13, 2014

"...I still only travel by foot and by foot it's a slow climb..." -F.A.

(Forewarning: I've been listening to a lot of Fiona Apple lately…the italic phrases prove it.)

Life has been hard.  Relatively.  Lately.

I'm good at being uncomfortable, but I guess at a certain point, what's uncomfortable becomes familiar and comfortable.  Now that I'm working and moving and communicating and using my brain and disappointing people in new ways…I'm uncomfortable again…in a less comfortable way.  If that makes any sense. 

I thought this job would be somewhat of a cake-walk, but it's much harder than I'd imagined.  My co-workers, who I don't know how to be around yet, knew what I was walking into and 'fessed up to me they didn't think I'd last a week, as most do not.  They still tell me on a regular basis that they won't blame me if I decide not to come back.  Others in my position have left mid-shift!  And as it stands, I'm the only one who hasn't "grown-up" working this job, like all the close friends and family who've been working the family business for 10+ years.  Well it's been 3 weeks now and I'm still working.  It's more difficult than I anticipated but it's all I have right now.  I can absolutely guarantee I won't quit, (until it's time to move).   It's a part of the road I'm meant to travel and if there was a better way to go, it would find me.  

I also have to walk to work, which sucks because of the heat, but is ok.  It's a 15-20 minute walk and mostly downhill.  However walking home is hard.  I usually leave work around 9pm and I don't get breaks or a lunch so I'm basically standing all day.  When we lock the doors, needless to say, my dogs are barkin' and walking home (uphill now) with my bad shoes, bad feet, and all my extra weight is a job within itself.  All the new activity has also led to some intense burning pain in my right, upper thigh.  At first it would kick in towards the end of the night, now it just comes and goes all day and all night, especially if I decide to touch it.  When applying firm pressure I can feel lumps…it's a bit unnerving.  Some internet research has me thinking I have some nerve damage due to the excessive standing and excessive weight.  Supposedly it will eventually fix itself once the weight comes off, or I stop overexerting the leg.  So I guess losing the weight is my only option.  

I used to walk to work and would kindly prod my sister or brother-in-law to pick me up at the end of the night, but as of last night, I've decided I need to suck it up and do the work myself.  The 7 minute round-trip to pick me up has put me at odds with them yet again.  They hate picking me up so much I get the silent treatment and sighs and eye-rolling.  I realized that I once again feel like the bad child disappointing the parents all the time…not to mention my 42-year old brother still treats me like a sub-human and I have to deal with his insinuations on a regular basis.  At first he was disappointed because I didn't have a job.  Now…who knows why?  I guess because, as I've been told, he says, "I’m a fat, lazy, know-it-all, loser with no ambition."  But I know he's wrong so it's ok.

It's just that, at the moment, I can't handle all the judgment like I used to when I wasn't working.  Now I have a different kind of added stress of my own to deal with and I need "calm" somewhere.

So I'll walk.  And I'll figure out my job and learn how to co-exist with my co-workers, and I'll lose some weight and fix my leg and prove my brother wrong and save some money and do something great.  ...And I'll make the most of it because I'm an extraordinary machine.  Aren't we all? Just gotta stay positive. :)

#growingup #adulthood #hardtimes #weightjourney #lifejourney #life #travel #travelbyfoot #fionaapple #music #thefeels #31andahalfandalmostagrownup #almostagrownup #gettingolder #moving #California #seattle #lifeblog #blogging #blogger #positivity #positivethoughts #prayer #ilovetherain #omens #signs #pathway #clarity #thirtysomething #job #findajob #savemoney #crappycredit  

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